Gladys Bay



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performative dance

As a trained dancer, Gladys brings a unique physicality and fluidity to her acting. Whether it’s breakdancing, contemporary dance, or choreography, Gladys uses her body to tell stories and convey emotions. She understands the importance of precision, timing, and discipline in dance and applies these skills to her acting as well. Gladys’s dance background also allows her to take on physically demanding roles and perform stunts with ease.


As you browse through the collection of photos, you’ll see Gladys’s talent for physicality and movement, whether it’s through dance or more action-oriented stunts. With a background in breakdancing and intermediate stunts, Gladys brings a unique physicality to each role she takes on. But it’s not just about the physicality – Gladys also infuses each performance with emotional depth and authenticity.

Projects featured

  • Action photography
  • Performance stills from Erosion, a multidisciplinary exhibition ft. contemporary abstract styles of dance
  • Performance stills from National Day Parade 2021